How to Study as a Student of OfCourse Interior Design Academy

1. Set a Major Goal

My most important tip is to stay on task. It’s understandable that sometimes things happen in life that are unforeseen and pull us away from our studies. But you must keep your primary goal in mind.

When you set goals that are personally important, you’re more likely to manage your time in a way to accomplish them.

For your online decorating course studies to be a successful experience, you need to be passionate about your decorating course.

This passion will drive you to be disciplined and to persevere when deadlines are looming.

Focus on the big picture and remember why you chose to study in the first place. Take one step at a time and, before you know it, you’ll be closer to achieving your dreams.

Just having the mindset that I’m doing this for my family, or I’m doing this for a better career, or just doing it to say “hey I did it” is enough encouragement to keep your mind on your studies.

Keep the end goal in mind.Want it! Want it bad enough to obtain it through any means necessary. It’s imperative to read more, listen closely, collaborate and keep in close contact with me.

Constantly remind yourself why you are TAKING THIS ONLINE DECORATING CERTIFICATE COURSE. THIS COURSE IS is completely self-driven and reminding yourself why you started in the first place can boost your drive and help you achieve your goal of CERTIFICATION.

That desire to attain dreams and become a student must always be with you, through every MODULE and for every goal you wish to accomplish. You must approach assignments with conviction, whether it be taking notes on EACH MODULE, NOTES ON THE VIDEOS, OR SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCES.

2. Treat Study Like a Job

Always remember, study is your work. Consciously choose to show up, absorb the wonderful content available to you, schedule in tasks, and really set and keep those boundaries.

Have a success mindset.

Implement firm boundaries.

Keep a schedule like your LIFE depends on it.

Setting daily goals and making checklists will help YOU succeed in each Module and project,. This will allow you to prove that you can work efficiently and independently.

Accomplishing small goals each day and creating a portfolio will help motivate you to keep working.

Make school your top priority every day and you can’t fail!

3. Make a Study Plan

Make a study plan! At the beginning of each Module take the time to plan readings and work on assignments.

Set out a clear and achievable study plan and stick to it 95% of the time, allowing yourself some room and respite for the unexpected.

Be organized and set a certain amount of hours per day or week into your schedule for studying.

Write out a weekly schedule with dates and times. Make sure to set aside enough time to focus only on school with no distractions. That’s important.

Have a planner for school only.

Schedule your study sessions and which topic you will be working on for that day.

This will really help you to stay on top.

Plan ahead! When it comes to online school, you don’t have a set time to sit around and do your work.

You must always plan a time specifically on your own to do your work.

I strongly recommend creating a Module plan, study plan, and time management strategy according to the prescribed study hours per week.

These should be made a few days before each Module starts.

4. Manage Time Carefully

Set a schedule and stick with it to keep you structured.

People generally do better in a structured environment. So why not make it even easier for yourself? If you know what time block you devote to your course, you are more apt to be consistent.

Success for your online study boils down to one skill that can be applied to everything you do in life: Time Management.

Make a schedule that you can quickly check to see what you need to accomplish and when those tasks need to be complete.

Set aside time for yourself and for your studies. During your dedicated study time, try to disconnect from distractions like social media, your phone, or television so that you are able to focus on what you really need to get done.

5. Have Dedicated Study Blocks

First and foremost, there needs to be time set aside each day, without interruptions, to fully focus on your work.

Make time for your schooling. No matter how busy you are, you’re going to have to cut time out of your life to focus on school. Sacrifices will have to be made – deal with it.

Your education is important so scheduling the right time each day to focus on it can really make a difference.

This schedule allows you to get everything done without feeling like you neglected anything.

Set aside a time.

Dedicate a specific amount of time each day or each week to studying and commit to it.

A lot can come up in life, and there will always be many distractions. If you are a morning person, then wake up an hour earlier and spend some time studying.

If you are a night owl, then dedicate some of that Facebook and Instagram time on an evening to studying.

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6. Find a Quiet Space

Pick a time throughout the day when either everyone is away from home, pick a corner of the house where you can relax and study.

Create a space of peace. You need to designate an area that is free of distraction.

When diversions are present, it may reflect in poor quality of work; hindering your education.

Discussing your “quiet zone” with your family or friends may be beneficial as well so they understand that your time is crucial to your academic success.

Make sure the kids are not around or are sleeping.  A quiet house is much more conducive to quality study time.

Tell your family or roommates that you need quiet time and to not be disturbed.

This works because if you are not disturbed you are not likely to lose your train of thought or get distracted.

7. Take Notes

Write down important points. Just like in a traditional classroom setting, taking notes may make it easier to remember the important pieces of information you will need to retain.

Keep notes on a regular Word document and click on the “Ctrl” & “F” key to find information.

8. Make Study Enjoyable

Playing happy music will keep you alert and in a good mood.

Keeping good vibes going while you study will make the studying go by faster, and much more enjoyable.

Play mellow music.

My tip is coffee, coffee, coffee and more coffee. Well, OK, that’s just for me. And, if you don’t have a quiet room because you have noisy children who do not come with a volume control, try noise cancelling headphones (joke).

Have fun. It is exciting and rewarding to be taking this course and learning about new topics that interest you. It is too easy to get stressed out when trying to learn online but, if done correctly, the process can be very rewarding.

Above all else, enjoy the process, the opportunities and unique experience that online study can provide!

9. Take Breaks

Take frequent, short breaks. Your mind  can become a little bit numb after an hour of looking at the computer screen, so stepping away and taking a few minutes to yourself s a way to rejuvenate your braincells.

Maintain regular breaks to avoid strain (and make sure your study space is set up correctly).

A quick break and walk outside can really revitalize you to continue studies.

And don’t force it. Do the work when you are in the right frame of mind (online studies are more flexible so you can do this).

Schedule breaks for 5 or ten minutes between study time. It helps you get a breather and grab a snack or use bathroom. You stay on track while also getting a few minutes of peace and relief.

Decide on a task, set a timer for 25 minutes, and work!

If a distraction pops into your head, write it down, but get back to the task. When the bell rings, have a small break. Go for a walk, make a cup of tea, or find your pet to cuddle.

10. Stay Healthy

Stay healthy! “Mens sana in corpore sano: A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

Our brain can only work to its fullest if our body is well.

Have regular breaks that involve exercise and fresh air and eat good food!

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